CONTACT: 083 809 4342
EMAIL: sue@argo.org.za
Dates Coached: From Mid-2010 to August 2011.
Experience of the Coaching Intervention
Victor, as the coach, provided clarity when the company needed to restructure, which was invaluable in helping the business owner “make sense” of the changes, which improved decision making. The coaching also provided invaluable support during a very difficult process.
Team coaching was also conducted during this time, which gave the team a focus during the process – and helped them shift from a product mentality to a client service culture – where the customer became the primary focus.
The team also developed their understanding of the business mission, and developed a set of core values for the organization. By coaching the team on the mission and values of a business, they took ownership and become more involved in the development of the business, which provided strong support for the business owner.
Victor was very effective at engaging the team in difficult conversations and showed strong empathy for all team members, and created a culture of respect and understanding for all.