CONTACT: 072 595 6747

EMAIL: nick@laresidence.co.za


Experience of the Coaching Intervention
I was introduced to Victor when I joined La Residence in 2010 and began receiving monthly coaching sessions from him. In 2012, my sessions were increased to once weekly.
The past four years have been a series of valuable lessons in management and leadership and Victor has introduced me to many concepts which I have applied to great effect and with spectacular results.
Victor’s method of coaching demanded that I as his student grappled with the information that he was making available to me. Complete buy in was required from me and nothing was spoon-fed which ultimately resulted in my gaining greater clarity on concepts that I had struggled with in the past.
Victor has a wealth of experience gained in a long and extremely diverse career. This allowed him to draw on past experiences and apply concepts to situations that he had faced making his lessons pertinent and easily understandable.
We have focused a great deal on the power and importance of a Purpose Statement and a fanatically observed set of values. This in addition to goal setting with clear action plans measured against tangible milestones under Vic’s guidance has made a tremendous impact on the success of our business. We have seen occupancy and revenue increase exponentially and guest feedback is at an all-time high. Possibly the greatest measure of Victors impact is our hotel being voted as number one hotel in the world (with 1.3 million votes cast) which I attribute to his teachings one hundred percent. https://www.theroyalportfolio.com/la-residence/awards/
I look forward to my continued relationship with Victor, I firmly believe that his teachings are essential to our continued success and I have no doubt that any business will be greatly enriched by his coaching intervention.
Nick Solomon
Deputy General Manager – La Residence