by Execucoach | May 17, 2019 | Articles, Staff, Understanding what an Organisation is
Gallup Inc for years have established – via the millions of replies to their questions sent out on a global basis – that the 70% of the workforce are disengaged from their jobs. Employee disengagement at 70% is a massive problem and all people in business need...
by Execucoach | Nov 30, 2018 | Articles, Staff
Jim Collins in his best-seller “Good to Great” reports that the great companies recruit the RIGHT people and place them in the RIGHT positions to do the RIGHT things. The big question is, “Who are the RIGHT people”? They are certainly not the so-called SUPERSTARS of...
by Execucoach | Oct 5, 2018 | Articles, Management, Staff
Management and Leadership are two sides of the same coin. In this communication, I focus on MANAGEMENT. The late Peter Drucker, in my opinion, is the Father of Modern Business and was the first person to really address and to professionalize management. Some of Peter...
by Execucoach | Jun 20, 2018 | Articles, Staff, Strategy, Team
Robert Gabsa of Gallup Incorporated has an interesting, important and helpful article on hiring, on-boarding and engaging Star Employees. It’s always worthwhile taking what Gallup presents because behind their offerings is a huge amount of research. It isn’t just the...
by Execucoach | Jun 5, 2018 | Articles, Staff, Strategy
Every client I have worked with over the last 20 years (First as an independent National and International Head-hunter then as an Executive Coach) has had the same needs with regard to their workforce. Every client looked for high class candidates to employ and each...